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8:30 AM
3 Ps to Awaken Your Soul!
This meeting called the 3 P's...includes a reading from PSALMS, PROVERBS, AND a time of PRAYER. Join us for a beautiful way to start your day... in loving pursuit of the ONE, who makes the sun rise and the MORNINGSTAR come alive in our hearts.
Find out more »10:00 AM
Sabbath Bible Study
This is an exciting study delving into Word regarding the Sabbath and what our Father has to say about it. Join us as we seek to understand when the original Sabbath actually is, what it means, and why it matters to us. There is great blessing as we walk in obedience to our Abba's Instructions!
Find out more »9:00 PM
W.A.R. Warriors are Rising!
Here we secure our armor and draw our swords...scriptures of declaration to do spiritual battle against the spirit of the age, against principalities, powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. Please prepare to take communion first. It's time to take back the land!
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